9. 《希律王的宴会》。莎乐美向小弗朗斯·弗兰肯的施洗者约翰的头像献礼 高清作品[93%]

The Banquet of Herod. Salome Presents the Head of John the Baptist-

图片文件尺寸 : 4339 x 3306px

《希律王的宴会》。莎乐美向小弗朗斯·弗兰肯的施洗者约翰的头像献礼-Frans Francken the Younger

The Banquet of Herod. Salome Presents the Head of John the Baptist--Frans Francken the Younger (Flemish, 1581 - 1642)


10. 让-巴蒂斯特·雷格诺的《埃涅阿斯向拉蒂努斯国王献礼物并请求他伸出女儿之手》 高清作品[91%]

Aeneas Offering Presents to King Latinus and Asking Him for the Hand of His Daughter-

图片文件尺寸 : 7146 x 3356px

让-巴蒂斯特·雷格诺的《埃涅阿斯向拉蒂努斯国王献礼物并请求他伸出女儿之手》-Jean-Baptiste Regnault

Aeneas Offering Presents to King Latinus and Asking Him for the Hand of His Daughter--Jean-Baptiste Regnault (法国, 1754-1829)
